November 30th Notes

Cell Culture:
*Human cancer cells used because they divide forever.
*Cells placed in flask or dish
Common cultured cancer cells = Hela cells (Named for person who died of cervical cancer.) Henrietta Lacks was infected with HPV-18.
*HPV-18 destroys apoptosis mechanism in epithelial cells which makes infected cells cancerous.

a.) Incidence: Number of new cases of disease divided by total number of people in population.
b.) Prevalence: Total number of cases of disease divided by total number of people in population.
c.) Epidemic: Increase in the incidence of a disease.
d.) Reservoir: Where microbe (that—> disease) exists in nature, usually. Example: HIV's reservoir is humans.
e.) Vector: Organism that transmits infectious disease from host to host.
f.) Virulent: Microbe that causes symptoms.
Virulence: Ability to cause symptoms.
g.) Virulence Factor: Any chemical made by a pathogenic microbe that contributes to that microbe's ability to cause symptoms.


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