Notes 8/25

Chapter 2 Notes: The Dynamics of Disease Transmission
a.) Private Medicine- What disease does a patient have and how can it be fixed? Vs. Public Health- (Epidemiology) What diseases or health concerns does a population or society have and how can they be fixed?

b.) Modes of Disease Transmission
i.) Direct Transmission: From person to person (ex: HIV)
ii.) Indirect Transmission: Person 1 - to a thing- to another person.
c.) Clinical Disease: Stage where a patient has symptoms. Vs. Nonclinical: A person has no symptoms, but could start to have signs of them.
1.) Preclinical disease: A person doesn't have any symptoms, but will eventually develop them. (early stage in a disease and will progress to symptoms; HIV)
2.) Subclinical disease: A patient may never have symptoms, but they can still spread the disease. (ex: Tuberculosis)
d.) Disease Transmission Terms
i.) Endemic: Habitual presence of a disease within a given area. It's always there, but not everyone has it.
ii.) Outbreak: Rapid rise in the number of new cases of disease. (time-limited; ex: west nile)
iii.) Epidemic: An increase in the incidence of a disease in a given population. (ex: MRSA)
iv.) Pandemic: Worldwide epidemic. (ex: swine flu , Flu in 1918)

f.) Math Detectives
i.) Attack rate: Number of new cases in a given time/ number of people at risk (almost always an indirect transmission common-vehicle exposure disease)
ii.) Incidence: Number of NEW cases in a given time/ Total number of people in a population
iii.) Prevalence: Number of ALL cases at a given time/ Number of people in the population

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