notes 12-1

November 30, 2009 Lecture Notes

Know how to draw microbes and include a size bar

Cell culture:
*Human cancer cells used b/c they divide forever (indefineately)
*human cancer cells must be provided with nutrients therefore placed in a flask or a dish
(in the flask the layer of cells is on the bottom (flask tipped over on side not upright)
-cells need to be provided with nutrients
*layer of nutrient rich liquid similar to that of human blood plasma
Common culture cancer cells= Hela cells (named for person Henrietta lacks who died of cervical cancer)
Henrietta lacks infected with HPV -18 (human papiloma virus type 18)
HPV-18 destroys apoptosis mechanism in epithelial cells – this made infected cells cancerous

1. Incidence of disease: the number of new cases of a disease in a population / total number people in population
2. Prevalence: total # of cases of disease/ total # of ppl in population
3. Epidemic: increase in the incidence of a disease (increase in the number of new cases of a disease)
4. Reservoir : where the organism causing a disease habitually exists in nature
a. Ex. HIV’s reservoir is humans
b. C. perfringens reservoir is soil
c. V. fischeri reservoir is squid, seawater
Over time, most microbes become less virulent in their reservoir
5. Vector: Organism that transmits infectious disease from host to host
a. Ex. Black plague is caused by Y. pestis – vector is the flea
6. Virulent Microbe that causes symptoms
a. Virulence: ability to cause symptoms
7. Virulence factor: any protein that is produced by a pathogenic microbe that contributes to the microbes ability to cause symptoms

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