Microbiology Lecture Notes August 31

Koch's Postulates: a way to show that a specific microbe causes specific symptoms
1) microbe must be found in all hosts who have the same set of symptoms and not be found in everyone else
2) microbe must be taken out of the host and grown in a pure culture
3) get pure culture of microbe and put it in a new healthy host and see if it gets the same symptoms
4) microbe must be gathered from the new sick host and confirm that it is indeed the same microbe from step 1

exceptions to Koch's Postulates:
-any microbe that causes different effects in different hosts/ppl
-any microbe that can't be grown in pure culture (e.g. virus)
-any microbe that only causes symptoms in and can live in humans

antiseptic: kills cells generally safe for outside of body
disinfectant: kills cells generally not safe for outside of body
antibiotic: attacks structure present in bacteria, absent in us (humans are not harmed)

microbe: an organism that can only be seen through the use of a microscope (can't be seen by the naked eye)
eukaryote: cells with a nucleus where the nuclei is membrane bound around DNA
prokaryote: cells with out a nucleus. They do have DNA but it is not membrane bound

Amy Blass

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