it would be nice if you had a title so the reader knows what your policy paper is discussing.
In your policy section you say that you are going to enforce drugs to be used accordingly, but you don't mention how you are going to do that. Are you going to be monitoring the drugs keeping detailed and specific numbers regarding the number and amounts of the antibiotics? Are you going to have a three strikes and your out policy for all personal administering the drugs? Explaining how would be beneficial. You also have included your arguments section as your conclusion. This is a problem because you leave the reader abruptly without emphasizing the importance of your policy. Another reason I dislike how you ended the paper was that seemed to throw the arguments together without really giving much thought to them. More than a sentence explanation may be needed to ensure a consumer that rising prices in livestock product is necessary. Also, it was confusing how you put the questions and the answers together. I had to read the paragraph over a few times before i understood what the arguments where and that there was even two arguments, as well as understanding which explanation fit with what argument. just some things to think about. definitely work on your conclusion and arguments sections.
"Due to limited drugs approved for the use in food animals veterinarians are often required to use drugs for these animals in a manner that is not in accordance with the approved label."
—-Change 'for the use in food animals' to "for the use in animal-based foods" and then put a comma afterwards.
In the beginning you discuss how antibiotics are chemical compounds which destroy bacteria- so are disinfectants, and antiseptics. An idea would be to discuss how antibiotics are different from the other two and go into some detail about other things antibiotics do.
Another idea is to discuss some actual antibiotics used with veterinary medicine, instead of stating 'antibiotics' as a general term.
How long are the withdraw periods currently established? How much longer do you propose the animals be off antibiotics before slaughter? How will you ensure that the "cowboys" are taught the proper ways to administer the drugs? Will they be required to have a certificate?
What are some types of these antibiotics? Examples would be a good way to show how this relates to the antibiotic resistance in humans.
What is a second arugement for your policy thats against it. I could say that one i might use is that just lengthening the time after antibotic use and the use of the animal products even if kept track of could not find every person everywhere thats doing this. Limit the range you are talking about your policy for. By doing all that includes the whole world. ALso make a stronger conclusion may help make this paper stronger. Seems a little bit of just thoughts all thrown together to make something sound somewhat correct. Look into that as well.