December 2nd notes

G.) Invasive Disease: Infectious disease where symptoms b/c of microbes growing in what, in a health host, is a sterile site.
*Invasion factors: Chemicals produced by microbes by pathogens(cause disease) that allow those pathogens to get into normally-sterile tissue.
H.) Toxigenic disease: Microbes growing in normal not-sterile site, producing "toxin" that —> symptoms in host. Example: Toxic Shock Syndrom and staph aureus: makes TSST-1 (Toxic shock syndrom toxic one.)
*Exotoxin: Protein expressed by actively growing bacteria, —> Contributes to symptoms in a host.
*Endotoxin: Lipid A component of LPS

i.) C. botulinum: Like other clostridia sp.,
*strict anaerobes
-Spores are very sturdy durable, suspended animation state of bacteria.
*Reservoir: Soul
ii.) Actively growing C. botulinum expresses botulism toxin.
*Botulism toxin
-Deadly dose: 1ng/kg weight of person.
-Death from suffocation: Botox disables motor neurons, including those that control diaphragm —> Person will not be able to breath.
iii.) Botulism food poisoning:
- Anaerobic environment created canning process allows the germination of C. botulinum spores. —> Expression of botox gene. —> Lots of botox in a jar.
iv.) Infant botulism and normal flora:
*Human gut is non-sterile, anaerobic.
* C. botulinum spores in soil, elsewhere.
*Gut - Good place for C. botulinum to grow. Except that, in healthy adult, normal flora fills spots of c. botulinum to grow.
*Human gut is non sterile, anaerobic. In infants, little normal flora to displace C. botulinum bacteria. —>"Floppy baby syndrome"


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